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Contactulater privacy policy

Which information is stored by the App?

The App stores the following information on your device:
  • The profile information you entered
  • Contact information which you received from your contacts
  • The information which of your details you shared with whom
The App reads the following information from your device:
  • General device information: Operating system, device model.
  • Selected language.

Which information is saved on our server

The following information is saved on our servers:
  • A device identification (public key) to assure only your devices are able to modify your profile. Aside from this the following information is stored for maintenance purposes: Device model and operating system, time of last login of your device.
  • Concerning your own data: A signature (hash) and the type of content (e.g. that it is an email address). The actual content is not stored.
  • Concerning your contact/search requests: Only a signature and the type of search is stored not the actual search content.
  • Information with whom you share or unshare which detail, so that you are able to prove if somebody uses your contact data after you revoked permission.
  • Temporarily the server stores data you share with your contacts, but this is encrypted for the recipient, so this information is not accessible on the server.
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